Latest News

Apologies, readers! It’s been a while since my last post – not because I haven’t had anything going on (I have been very busy), but rather because wordpress was down for a time and then I lost my password and couldn’t for the life of me get back on to write an update. I know … I’m a technology idiot, right? Not quite, but that’s my story so I’m sticking to it.

That out of the way, here’s a brief recap of what’s been happening recently. I update on coming events below.

First, an interview I did with the Hagerstown Herald-Mail appeared in the middle of April. I had a chance during it to go into my next book, The Guns of September, which is still slated for publication in September 2019.

Second, I had an opportunity in late April to finally sit down with the Rogue Historian, Keith Harris, and talk about writing, history, Robert E. Lee, and George McClellan. Keith did a wide-ranging interview and although we disagreed (mildly) on certain historical subjects, it was a candid and refreshing discussion that I thoroughly enjoyed. Keith does a great job developing presence online. I highly recommend his website and work.

Coming Events

I’ve a few things coming up. Please drop by if you see me.

Saturday, May 4, 2019 – 4th Annual Great Train Raid event at the Roundhouse in Martinsburg, WV. Commemorating an event that took place during the Civil War, the Train Raid will feature historical speakers, re-enactors, live music, and vendors. I’ll be hosting a table at the event where visitors can chat and buy signed copies of Six Days in September. Hours 10-5 p.m.

Saturday, June 8, 2019 – Gettysburg National Battlefield Visitors Center. I’ll be signing books all day at the impressive book shop.

Spotlight Series

Last, but not least, Savas Beatie is putting the final touches on its Spotlight essay series. My essay with Gene Thorp on McClellan and Lee’s Lost Orders (see the page on this website) will be the first offering. The program should be up and running in May.

See everyone around …


Author: Alex Rossino

Author and Historian

2 thoughts on “Latest News”

  1. Met you at Royal Oak Bookstore in Front Royal, VA and bought your book Six Days in September. Wanted to say that I found it very good and interesting reading! You brought history down to the personal level through your characters and made it so much more interesting. I was glad I stumbled onto you that day and got your book. Good Luck with it!


    1. Susan – Thank you for the kind words. I remember meeting you and chatting that day. The sequel to Six Days will be out in September. I’ll look to see you again at Royal Oak soon. Alex


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